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Issue Title
The Wildfowl Trust Sixteenth Annual Report Returns from Steller's Eiders banded in Izembek Bay, Alaska Abstract   PDF
Robert D, Jr Jones
Wildfowl 47 Review of Holocene wildfowl extinctions Abstract   PDF
H Glyn Young, Simon J Tonge, Julian P Hume
Wildfowl 72 Review of the distribution and conservation of Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis in the River Lena and River Yana basins, East Siberia Abstract   PDF
Victor G. Degtyarev
The Wildfowl Trust Eighth Annual Report Review: travels and traditions of waterfowl Abstract   PDF
H Albert Hochbaum
Severn Wildfowl Trust Third Annual Report Ringing Details   PDF
Anonymous Anonymous
The Wildfowl Trust Eighteenth Annual Report Ringing Details   PDF
M Ogilvie
Severn Wildfowl Trust Fifth Annual Report Ringing & Recoveries Abstract   PDF
Anonymous Anonymous
Severn Wildfowl Trust Third Annual Report Ringing and Recoveries Details   PDF
Anonymous Anonymous
Severn Wildfowl Trust Fourth Annual Report Ringing and Recoveries Abstract   PDF
Anonymous Anonymous
Wildfowl 31 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1979 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 32 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1980 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 33 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1981 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 34 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1982 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 35 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1983 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 36 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1984 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 37 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1985 Abstract   PDF
M.A. Ogilvie
Wildfowl 38 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1986 Abstract   PDF
Carl Mitchell
Wildfowl 39 Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1987 Abstract   PDF
Carl Mitchell
Wildfowl 65 Ringing does not appear to have an adverse effect on body mass immediately following capture in Eurasian Teal Anas crecca Abstract   PDF
Matthieu Guillemain, Francois Cavallo, Gregoire Massez, Thierry George, Jean-Pierre Baudet, Pierre Gonzalez, Valerie Ducasse, Emmanuel Caillot, Benoit Lecaplain, Luc Tison, Natacha Piffeteau, Jean-Pierre Aretel, Jocelyn Champagnon
The Wildfowl Trust Fourteenth Annual Report Ringing Whooper Swans in Iceland, 1962 Abstract   PDF
Leo Kinlen
Wildfowl 48 Ritualised displays and display frequencies of Andean Flamingos Phoenicoparrus andinus Abstract   PDF
Cory John Lindgren, S P C Pickering
Wildfowl 48 Roost selection by Pink-footed Anser brachyrhynchus and Greylag A. anser Geese in East Central Scotland Abstract   PDF
M V Bell, A V Newton, S F Newton
Wildfowl 30 Roosting behaviour of Long-tailed Ducks in relation to possible oil pollution Abstract   PDF
P Hope Jones
The Wildfowl Trust Sixth Annual Report Rounding up Canada Geese - 1. Stapleford Park, Leicestershire Abstract   PDF
Hugh Boyd
The Wildfowl Trust Sixth Annual Report Rounding up Canada Geese - 2. Englefield Park, Berkshire Abstract   PDF
Robert A F Gillmor, N G Blurton Jones
1176 - 1200 of 1771 Items << < 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 > >>