Table of Contents
Front Matter
Contents | |
ppi-iv |
On shoulders of giants: 70 years of science for conservation published in Wildfowl | |
Eileen C. Rees, Anthony D. Fox | 1-12 |
Standard Papers
Effects of capture and marking on the behaviour of moulting Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus on Svalbard | |
Kevin K. Clausen, Kees H.T. Schreven, Jesper Madsen | 13-29 |
Abundance of Tule Geese Anser albifrons elgasi in the Pacific Flyway 2003–2019 | |
Dan R. Yparraguirre, Todd A. Sanders, Melanie L. Weaver, Daniel A. Skalos | 30-56 |
The importance of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus: results from GPS/GSM telemetry | |
Junjian Zhang, Xueqin Deng, Yanbo Xie, Laixing Li, Nyambayar Batbayar, Iderbat Damba, Fanjuan Meng, Lei Cao, Anthony D. Fox | 57-75 |
Non-stop autumn migrations of Light-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota tracked by satellite telemetry – racing for the first Zostera bite? | |
Marie S. Vissing, Anthony D. Fox, Preben Clausen | 76-93 |
Frequency of kleptoparasitism by Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans on Eurasian Coot Fulica atra differs between years and habitats | |
Tetsuo Shimada, Satoe Kasahara, Masayuki Kurechi, Yasushi Suzuki, Hiroyoshi Higuchi | 94-106 |
Changes in numbers of staging and wintering geese in Sweden 1977/78–2019/20 | |
Leif Nilsson, Hakon Kampe-Persson | 107-126 |
Status and distribution of the Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna in Iceland, with special reference to the core area in Borgarfjörður | |
Niall Tierney, Rachel A. Tierney, Þorvaldur Björnsson, Yann Kolbeinsson, Sunny E. Townsend, Aevar Petersen | 127-147 |
Migration routes and chronology of American Black Duck Anas rubripes | |
John M. Coluccy, Kurt A. Anderson, Tina Yerkes, Jacob L. Bowman | 148-166 |
Aggression and behavioural dominance in wintering Mallard Anas platyrhynchos and American Black Duck A. rubripes | |
Michael A. Schummer, Allison B. Anthony, Shannon M. Kleespies, Greyson Ankenman, Michael Ligouri, Adam Bleau, Justin Droke, Jonathan Cohen, Kent Kowalski, Frank Morlock, James Eckler | 167-178 |
Habitat deterioration for waterfowl in French fishponds: insight from trends in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos breeding success | |
Joël Broyer | 179-191 |
Survival of Laysan Teal Anas laysanensis differs between island populations: role of chronic avian botulism | |
Michelle H. Reynolds, Jeff S. Hatfield, Karen N. Courtot, Cynthia Vanderlip | 192-210 |
Reproductive ecology of Baer's Pochard Aythya baeri in south China | |
Sai Wei, Hui Jia, Yawen Chen, Wuyuan Pan, Yuyan Chen, Qun Lu, Xudong Tao, Changqing Ding, Xin Lu | 211-227 |
Waterfowl hunters’ motivations and barriers to participation in a citizen science project | |
Matthew B. Ellis | 228-241 |
Short Communications
Spring fattening in non-migratory female Greylag Geese Anser anser regardless of social status | |
Simone A. A. Ehret, Jean-Louis Berthoud, Friederike Woog | 257-266 |
An unusual and previously overlooked duck decoy in the north of Scotland | |
Robin M. Sellers | 267-274 |
Back Matter
Instructions for Authors | |
275-284 |

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