Table of Contents
Front Matter
Contents and editorial | |
pp i-iv, 1-2 |
Review Papers
Urban Geese – looking to North America for experiences to guide management in Europe? | |
Anthony D. Fox | 3-27 |
Standard Papers
Responses of autumn-staging ducks and Coot Fulica atra to the Skjern River Valley wetland restoration project | |
Thomas Bregnballe, Preben Clausen, Anthony D. Fox | 28-44 |
First assessment of factors affecting the breeding success of two stork species in lowland Nepal using Bayesian Network models | |
K.S. Gopi Sundar, Roshila Koju, Bijay Maharjan, Bruce G. Marcot, Swati Kittur, Kamal R. Gosai | 45-69 |
Evaluating the behaviour of Andean Flamingos Phoenicoparrus andinus and James’s Flamingos P. jamesi in captivity: comparing species and flocks using multiple methods | |
Paul E. Rose | 70-92 |
The establishment of a new major moulting site for Greylag Geese Anser anser at Lake Hornborgasjön, southern Sweden | |
Leif Nilsson, Clas Hermansson | 93-104 |
Regional variation in long-term population trends for the Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons in Japan | |
Tetsuo Shimada, Akira Mori, Hironobu Tajiri | 105-117 |
The influence of habitat selection on Canada Goose Branta canadensis nest success on Akimiski Island, Nunavut, Canada | |
Stacey K. Gan, Kenneth F. Abraham, Rodney W. Brook, Dennis L. Murray | 118-133 |
Activity budgets, daily energy expenditure and energetic model of Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans during winter and spring along the Lower Alaska Peninsula | |
Bryan L. Daniels, David H. Ward, Jeffrey M. Black | 134-159 |
Late nesting makes Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance in the Russian part of the Baltic Sea | |
Sergey A. Kouzov, Elmira M. Zaynagutdinova, Anna V. Kravchuk | 160-175 |
Recent changes in pair abundance and breeding results in the main French populations of the Common Pochard Aythya ferina | |
Joël Broyer | 176-187 |
Surveys of waterbirds in the Darkhad Depression, Mongolia, during summer and autumn | |
Mikayla N. Call, Michael L. Schummer, Chris J. Smith, Badamgarav Dovchin, Battagtoh Tumur, Bayarkhuu Byambaa, Tumurusukh Jal, Rebecca J. Watters | 188-205 |
Testing waterfowl hunters’ waterfowl identification skills | |
Adam A. Ahlers, Craig A. Miller | 206-220 |
Short Communications
A leg-hold noose capture method for Brent Geese Branta bernicla at staging or wintering sites | |
Yusuke Sawa, Chieko Tamura, Toshio Ikeuchi, Kaoru Fujii, Aisa Ishioroshi, Tetsuo Shimada, David Ward | 230-241 |
Back Matter
Instructions for Authors | |
242-247 |

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