Table of Contents
Front Matter
Preliminary pages | |
ppi-iv |
Editorial | |
Eileen C. Rees | 1-2 |
Review Papers
Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus nesting on offshore islands – a new occurrence or a well-forgotten old phenomenon? | |
Sergei A. Kouzov, Anna V. Kravchuk, Evgeny V. Abakumov, Daria M. Afanaseva | 3–22 |
Distribution, trends and threats to Eastern Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis middendorffii in the River Lena basin, East Siberia | |
Victor G. Degtyarev | 23–39 |
Standard Papers
Anthropogenically-induced population increases in sympatric breeding arctic geese incur apparent competition consequences | |
Clark Nissley, Christopher K. Williams, Kenneth F. Abraham, Kelly Russo-Petrick | 40–52 |
Estimated size of the Eastern population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus revealed from aerial surveys of key moulting sites | |
Diana Solovyeva, Sonia Rozenfeld, Daria Barykina, George Kirtaev, Valeria Danilova, Fanjuan Meng, Lei Cao, Guangchun Lei, Qing Zeng | 53–68 |
Population trends and distribution of the Lesser Snow Goose Anser caerulescens caerulescens in Japan, based on 50 years of monitoring | |
Yutaka Sabano, Yusuke Sawa, Sachiko Uemura, Masayuki Kurechi | 69–83 |
First observations in 20 years of Brent Geese Branta bernicla wintering on the Shandong coast, China | |
Xiaotong Lv, Qingshan Zhao, Mengdan Fei, Yusuke Sawa, Toshio Ikeuchi, Guoxu Yu, Jin Zhang, Fanjuan Meng, Jing Zhang, Yong Zhang, Yanbo Xie, Lei Cao, Anthony D. Fox | 84–98 |
Home range and migration of the Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis mapped by satellite telemetry: implications for conservation | |
Emil Todorov, Gabriel B. Chisamera, Viorel D. Gavril, Oana C. Vasiliu, Dumitru Murariu, Ioana Cobzaru | 99–112 |
An alternative approach to evaluating the energetic carrying capacity of the landscape for Mallard Anas platyrhynchos wintering in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA | |
Melanie R. Boudreau, Joseph D. Lancaster, Daniela F. Adjaye, Jane E. Dentinger, Lacy A. Dolan Todt, Gabrielle N. Ripa, Carlos Ramirez-Reyes, Craig A. Sklarczyk, Bradly S. Thornton, Holly M. Todaro, Richard M. Kaminski, J. Brian Davis | 113–131 |
Diet, body condition and seasonal stress in American Black Duck Anas rubripes and Mallard A. platyrhynchos on Long Island, New York, during winter | |
Aidan J. Flores, Michael L. Schummer | 132–152 |
decade of monitoring the Critically Endangered Madagascar Pochard Aythya innotata: population trends and duckling survival | |
Laurence A. Rasoamihaingo, Felix Razafindrajao, Lily-Arison René de Roland, Andrew J. Bamford | 153–164 |
Severe declines in numbers of male American Common Eiders Somateria mollissima dresseri during spring counts over the past two decades in the southwestern Bay of Fundy, Canada | |
Sarah E. Gutowsky, Mark L. Mallory, Nic R. McLellan, Gregory J. Robertson, Kevin Connor, Scott G. Gilliland | 165–178 |
Nesting behaviour and factors affecting reproductive success of Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca breeding at Lake Tabatskuri, Georgia | |
Sopio Kiknavelidze, Natia Kopaliani, Nika Budagashvili, Nika Melikishvili, Zurab Javakhishvili, Alexander Gavashelishvili, Nika Paposhvili | 179–192 |
Short Communications
Urban geese discriminate between predators of different sizes | |
Friederike Woog, Konrad Schwarz | 193–198 |
Back Matter
Instructions for Authors | |
199–204 |

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