Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
1-4 |
Progress Reports
Annual Report | |
C E H Sparrow | 5-7 |
19th Annual General Meeting | |
8-9 |
The collections in 1966 | |
10-13 |
conservation ,education and research, 1966 | |
14-16 |
Wild Geese at the New Grounds | |
17 |
Ringing | |
17 |
Borough Fen Decoy, 1966 | |
20-21 |
Dersingham Decoy | |
22-23 |
The Bewick’s Swans at Slimbridge | |
24-27 |
Results of wildfowl ringing at Abberton Reservoir, Essex 1949 to 1966 | |
C B Wainwright | 28-35 |
A survey of the ducks breeding at Loch Leven in 1966 | |
H Boyd, C R G Campbell | 36-42 |
Part I. Development of the wildfowl population | |
J M Harrison, J G Harrison, A Meikle | 43-46 |
Part II. The feeding ecology of local Mallard and other wildfowl | |
P J S Olney | 47-54 |
Part III. An appraisal of the planting programme, 1959-66 | |
D F W Pollard | 55-61 |
Part IV. Expenditure for habitat improvement | |
A Meikle | 62-63 |
Population changes and mortality of the Mute Swan in Britain | |
M A Ogilvie | 64-73 |
A preliminary study of the Mute Swan, Cygnus olor | |
C M Perrins, C M Reynolds | 74-84 |
Immigrant Mute Swans in south-east England | |
J G Harrison, M A Ogilvie | 85-87 |
Some parameters of 'nonsense' orientation in Mallard | |
G V T Matthews | 88-97 |
Observations on the behaviour and relationships of the White-backed Duck and the Stiff-tailed Ducks | |
Paul A Johnsgard | 98-107 |
Breeding behaviour of captive Shovelers | |
F McKinney | 108-121 |
Experiments with young nidifugous birds on a visual cliff | |
Janet Kear | 122-124 |
The significance of clutch-size in waterfowl | |
David Lack | 125-128 |
Geese on the Hortobgy, autumn 1966 | |
Jules Philippona, Tom Lebret | 129-133 |
Observations on the Pink-footed Goose in central Iceland, 1966 | |
D E Hardy | 134-141 |
Food habits of sea ducks from the north-eastern United States | |
F B McGilvrey | 142-145 |
Experience in waterfowl management under the conditions prevailing in the Latvian S.S.R | |
H Mihelsons, J Viksne, G Lejins | 146-149 |
Wildfowl survey in south-west Asia: progress in 1966 | |
Christopher Savage | 150-152 |
Melanistic White-fronted and other Grey Geese | |
Jeffery Harrison, Michael Hudson | 153-154 |
A bigamous Greylag gander | |
Jeffery Harrison | 155 |
Drake Harlequin escorting its family | |
Jeffery Harrison | 155 |
Techniques for rapid extraction of ingested food from wildfowl viscera | |
D F W Pollard | 156-157 |
Comparison of techniques for the analysis of wildfowl viscera | |
D F W Pollard | 158-161 |
Accounts | |
162-163 |
The Wildfowl Trust Eighteenth Annual Report | |

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