Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
Responses of wintering Brent Geese to human disturbance | |
N W Owens | 10 |
Goose flocks and food finding: field experiments with Barnacle Geese in winter | |
R Drent, P Swierstra | 6 |
Discrimination between grass species and nitrogen-fertilized vegetation by young Barnacle Geese | |
Myrfyn Owen, Martin Nugent, Nicola Davies | 6 |
The numbers of Canada Geese in Britain, 1976 | |
M A Ogilvie | 8 |
The mortality of Yorkshire Canada Geese | |
C Barry Thomas | 13 |
Populations, biomass and food habits of ducks on the Fraser Delta intertidal area, British Columbia | |
Kees Vermeer, Colin D Levings | 12 |
A report on the White-winged Wood Duck in southern Sumatra | |
D A Holmes | 4 |
Seasonal movements and distribution of the Spectacled Eider | |
C P Dau, S A Kistchinski | 11 |
Local variations in the proportion of adult males in flocks of Goldeneye wintering in the Firth of Forth | |
L H Campbell | 4 |
Goldeneye feeding close to sewer outfalls in winter | |
L H Campbell, H Milne | 5 |
Time budgets of Mandarin Ducks under semi-natural conditions | |
Richard L Bruggers, William B Jackson | 7 |
Preliminary observations on the nesting of Barnacle Geese in Spitsbergen | |
John Dittami, Charles Thomforde, Scott Kennedy | 7 |
Breeding behaviour of wild Whistling Swans | |
Dafila Scott | 6 |
Notes on the breeding behaviour of captive Whistling Swans | |
Mary E Evans | 6 |
The food of Mallard ducklings in a wet gravel quarry, and its relation to duckling survival | |
Michael Street | 13 |
Notes on behaviour of Ruddy Ducks during the brood period | |
W Roy Siegfried | 3 |
Seasonal emergence of chironomids in relation to egglaying and hatching of ducks in a restored lake (northern Sweden) | |
Kjell Danell, Kjells Sjöberg | 7 |
Grit in waterfowl at the Ouse Washes, England | |
G J Thomas, Myrfyn Owen, Penny Richards | 3 |
Plumages and primary moult in Lesser Flamingos | |
L Sileo, C H Tuite, J B D Hopcraft | 4 |
Leech parasitism of waterfowl in North America | |
David L Trauger, James C Bartonek | 10 |
Recognizing individual Bewick's Swans by bill pattern | |
Mary E Evans | 6 |
A laboratory study of individual recognition using Bewick's Swan bill patterns | |
John Brown, Vivien Lewis | 4 |

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