Table of Contents
Front Matter
Contents and Dedication | |
ppi-vi |
Editorial | |
1-2 |
Review Papers
The International Waterfowl (and Wetlands) Research Bureau: c. 1945–1995 | |
David A. Stroud, Jean-Yves Pirot, Mike Smart | 3-60 |
Standard Papers
Influence of spatial scale, sex and parental presence on rates of natal philopatry in non-migratory Canada Geese Branta canadensis | PDF PDF |
Michael R. Conover | 61-73 |
Continuous behavioural monitoring reveals increased feeding time during wing moult in free-ranging Pacific Black Ducks Anas superciliosa | |
Hui Yu, Marcel Klaassen | 74-83 |
Movement patterns of diving ducks Aythya sp. in western Europe | |
Adrien Tableau, Marie-Lucile Gourlay-Larour, Christophe Sorin, Jean-François Arcanger, Matthieu Guillemain, Jean-Philippe Rabatel, Thierry George, Alain Caizergues | 84-97 |
Review of the distribution and conservation of Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis in the River Lena and River Yana basins, East Siberia | |
Victor G. Degtyarev | 98-115 |
Bird diversity at the Adıyaman-Gölbaşı Lakes Important Bird Area (IBA), in southeast Turkey | |
Gökhan Büyük, Recep Karakaş | 116-131 |
Identification of wetlands of international importance in Porbandar, Gujarat, western India during 2015–2021 | |
Dhaval Vargiya, Bharat Jethva, Devang Pandya | 132–151 |
Short Communications
Distinguishing Tundra Bean Goose Anser fabalis subspecies: blind testing goose experts, using photographs taken in the field | |
Diana Solovyeva, Tomas Aarvak, Vladimir Emelianov, Alexander Kondratiev, Inga Bysykatova-Harmey, Sergey Kharitonov, Denis Kochetkov, Maria Reutova, Sonia Rozenfeld | 152-163 |
Internationally important stopover area for the globally-threatened Common Pochard Aythya ferina in the Volga River delta | |
Alexander Mischenko, Olga Sukhanova, Sauliua Švažas, Natalia Meshcheriakova, Maxim Perkovskii, Vladimir Strelkov, Alexandre Czajkowski, Daiva Vaitkuvienė | 164-173 |
Ovarian degeneration resulting in the phenotypic masculinisation of a wild female Mallard Anas platyrhynchos | |
Philip Lavretsky, Flor Hernandez, Brian Davis | 174–181 |
Notice To Contributors
Instructions for Authors | |
182-186 |

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