Author Details

Hall, Colette

  • Wildfowl 62 - Standard Papers
    Population size and breeding success of Icelandic Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus: results of the 2010 international census
    Abstract  PDF
  • 2013: Wildfowl Special Issue No. 3 - Standard Papers
    Population development and breeding success of Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta b. bernicla from 1991–2011
    Abstract  PDF
  • Wildfowl 66 - Standard Papers
    Population size and breeding success of the Icelandic Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus: results of the 2015 international census
    Abstract  PDF
  • 2019: Wildfowl Special Issue No. 5 - Standard Papers
    Long-term population trends and shifts in distribution of Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii wintering in northwest Europe
    Abstract  PDF
  • Wildfowl 71 - Standard Papers
    The Icelandic Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus population: current status and long-term (1986–2020) trends in its numbers and distribution
    Abstract  PDF
  • Wildfowl 71 - Standard Papers
    Seasonal changes of roosting and foraging areas for Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus wintering in Japan
    Abstract  PDF