Wildfowl 62

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Editorial PDF

Review Papers

A merganser at Auckland Islands, New Zealand PDF
Murray Williams 3-36
Impacts of wind farms on swans and geese: a review PDF
Eileen C Rees 37-72

Standard Papers

Population size and breeding success of Icelandic Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus: results of the 2010 international census PDF
Colette Hall, Jacqueline Glanville, Helen Boland, Ólafur Einarsson, Graham McElwaine, Chas A Holt, Christopher J Spray, Eileen C Rees 73-96
Habitat use, disturbance and collision risks for Bewick PDF
Ruben C Fijn, Karen L Krijgsveld, Wim Tijsen, Hein A M Prinsen, Sjoerd Dirksen 97-116
Limits of grazing area use by feral Greylag Geese Anser anser during moult PDF
Konrad Schwartz, Friederike Woog 117-127
Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca: an introduced species spreading in and from the Netherlands PDF
Abel Gyimesi, Rob Lensink 128-145
Evidence for Mallard Anas platyrhynchos and American Black Duck Anas rubripes 144 competition in western New Brunswick, Canada PDF
Mark J Petrie, Ronald D Drobney, Dan T Sears, Llewellyn M Armstrong 146-164
Measurements and movements of Madagascar Teal Anas bernieri captured and ringed at Lake Antsamaka in central-western Madagascar PDF
Félix Razafindrajao, H Glyn Young, Abdallah Iahia bin Aboudou 165-175
Captive breeding and release diminishes genetic diversity in Brown Teal Anas chlorotis, an endangered New Zealand duck PDF
Gemma Bowker-Wright, Ben D Bell, Peter A Ritchie, Murray Williams 176-189
Feeding environments of New Zealand PDF
Murray Williams, Richard N Holdaway, Karyne M Rogers 190-203
Direct and indirect evidence that productivity of Snowy Plovers Charadrius nivosus varies with occurrence of a nest predator PDF
Noah S Burrell, Mark A Colwell 204-223

Short Communications

Ducks foraging on swan faeces PDF
T Shimada 224-227


The 9th Conference of the European Ornithologists PDF

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.