Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
Front Matter | |
Front Matter | |
Front Matter | |
Standard Papers
Numbers of Mute Swans Cygnus olor in Great Britain: results of the national census in 2002 | |
Robin M Ward, Peter A Cranswick, Melanie Kershaw, Graham E Austin, Allan W Brown, Lyndesay M Brown, Jon C Coleman, Helen C Chisholm, Chris J Spray | 3-20 |
Detection ratios on winter surveys of Rocky Mountain Trumpeter Swans Cygnus buccinator | |
Jonathan Bart, Carl D Mitchell, Michael N Fisher, James A Dubovsky | 21-28 |
How to cope with snow and ice: winter ecology of feral Greylag Geese Anser anser | |
Sonja Käßmann, Friederike Woog | 29-39 |
Seasonal variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation and the breeding success of arctic-nesting geese | |
Hugh Boyd | 40-53 |
Laysan Teal Anas laysanensis nesting phenology and site characteristics on Laysan Island | |
Michelle H Reynolds, Lisa H Crampton, Mark S Vekasy | 54-67 |
Diet of non-breeding wildfowl Anatidae and Coot Fulica atra on the Perthois gravel pits, northeast France | |
Jean-Baptiste Mouronval, Matthieu Guillemain, Aurelien Canny, Frederik Poirier | 68–97 |
Winter distribution of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus ringed in four geographically discrete regions in Iceland between 1988 and 2006: an update | |
Julia Newth, Kendrew Colhoun, Olafur Einarsson, Graham McElwaine, Sverrir Thorstensen, Richard Hesketh, Aevar Petersen, Jim Wells, Eileen Rees | 98-119 |
Short Communications
Translocation of wild Laysan Teal Anas laysanensis from Laysan Island to Midway Atoll: project update | |
Michelle H Reynolds, James H Breeden Jr, John L Klavitter | 120-124 |

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