Table of Contents
Standard Papers
Population and reproductive trends of Nene Branta sandvicensis in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 1989-1999. | |
E H Rave, A Cooper, D Hu, R Swift, K Misajon | 7-16 |
Wetland fidelity of female Mallard Anas platyrhynchos and Gadwall Anas strepera during brood rearing. | |
R G Clark, S W Leach, K W Dufour, M Gendron | 17-28 |
Laysan Teal Anas laysanensis nesting phenology and site characteristics on Laysan Island | |
M H Reynolds, T M Work | 29-46 |
Bill knob size and reproductive effort in Common Shelducks Tadorna tadorna. | |
P N Ferns, J P Reed, E D Gregg, C O'Hara, A Lang, G R Sinkowski | 47-58 |
Wintering diving duck populations in the | |
L Nilsson | 59-74 |
Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus distribution and stone.y nymph availability in the Maligne Valley watershed a preliminary study. | |
N A McCutcheon, R C Ydenberg | 75-82 |
Breeding ecology of Spectacled Eiders Somateria .scheri in Northern Alaska. | |
J Bart, S L Earnst | 83-98 |
Impacts of high-speed ferry disturbance on wintering sea ducks. | |
J K Larsen, B Laubek | 99-116 |
Behavioural evidence of the systematic relationships of the Patagonian Crested Duck Lophonetta specularioides specularioides. | |
A N P Stevens, H G Young, F McKinney | 117-132 |
Scaly-sided Mergansers Mergus squamatus on the lower Chongchon River, central Korea. | |
J W Duckworth, Kim Chol | 133-142 |
Short Communications
Acidification and eutrophication: insights into wildfowlfish competition. | |
C E McParland | 143-156 |

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