Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
i-v |
Standard Papers
Threats to waterbirds and wetlands: Implications for conservation, inventory and research | |
Mark O'Connell | 1-16 |
A quantitative model of the distribution of Mute Swans wintering in Danish waters | |
Bjørn Molt Petersen | 17-32 |
Abdominal profiles of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis at staging areas in Iceland in May | |
Hugh Boyd | 33-47 |
An aerial survey of nesting Greater White-fronted and Canada Geese in west Greenland | |
Richard A Malecki, Anthony D Fox, Bruce D J Batt | 49-58 |
Changes in the wintering distribution of Wrangel Island Snow Geese Anser c. caerulescens | |
W Sean Boyd, Fred Cooke | 59-66 |
A study of the impact of human disturbance on Wigeon Anas penelope and Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota on an Irish sea loch | |
Réamann G Mathers, Sally Watson, Richard Stone, William I Montgomery | 67-81 |
Displays of the Garganey Anas querquedula: Evidence of multiple functions | |
Alison N Pearce | 83-101 |
Alloparental care of ducklings by unrelated male Speckled Teal Anas flavirostris in eastern Argentina | |
Jeffrey L Port | 103-108 |
The Black-headed Duck Heteronetta atricapilla lays ordinary eggs | |
Mark L Mallory | 109-115 |
Wetland birds in Turks and Caicos Islands I: A search for West Indian Whistling-ducks Dendrocygna arborea | |
Geoff M Hilton, Tim Cleeves, Tony Murray, Baz Hughes, Ethlyn Gibbs Williams | 117-126 |
Wetland birds in Turks and Caicos Islands II: Wetland bird communities | |
Geoff M Hilton, Tim Cleeves, Tony Murray, Baz Hughes, Ethlyn Gibbs Williams | 127-138 |
Breeding status and aggressive communication in the Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus | |
Ian R Inglis, John Lazarus, Rebecca L L F Torrence | 139-153 |
Harlequins Histrionicus histrionicus in a Rocky Mountain watershed I: Background and general breeding ecology | |
Bill Hunt, Ron Ydenberg | 155-168 |
Parental behaviour and brood integrity in amalgamated broods of the Common Eider | |
Guy Beauchamp | 169-179 |
Determining and testing the accuracy of incubation stage of Ruddy Duck eggs by floatation | |
Robert B Brua, Karen L Machin | 181-189 |
Wetland use by non-breeding ducks in coastal Texas, U.S.A | |
James T Anderson, George T Muehl, Thomas C Tacha, David S Lobpries | 191-214 |
Short Communications
Numbers of wintering waterbirds on rivers in eastern England | |
Chris F Mason, Sheila M Macdonald | 215-219 |
Back Matter
Back Matter | |
221-223 |

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