Table of Contents
Front Matter
Contents and editorial | |
2-5 |
Standard Papers
The effects of genotypic and yearly variations on the egg volumes of the Mute Swan Cygnus olor | |
P J Bacon, M D Mountford | 7-12 |
Breeding success of Icelandic Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus and Greylag Geese A. answer in different areas of Iceland in 1987 and 1988 | |
I J Patterson, J-F Giroux | 13-17 |
Variations in clutch size and breeding success of Greylag Geese Anser anser in the Uists, Scotland | |
I W Paterson, P R Boyer, D D Massen | 18-22 |
The effects of treatment with Mebendazole on gizzard worm infections in captive Swan Geese Anser cygnoides | |
T A Bailey, J J Brown, R A Avery | 23-26 |
Post-hatching behaviour of Light-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota | |
Thomas Bregnballe, Jesper Madsen | 27-34 |
An age-related difference in the size of the nasal glands of Brent Geese Branta bernicla | |
Ronald W Summers, Malcolm M Smith | 35-37 |
Mate protection in pre-nesting Canada Geese Branta candensis | |
I P Johnson, R M Sibly | 38-42 |
The fate of plastic leg rings used on geese and swans | |
Eileen C Rees, M Owen, H Gitay, S Warren | 43-52 |
Social behaviour of the Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa with particular reference to the axle-grind | |
P J Fullagar, C C Davey, D K Rushton | 53-61 |
Diurnal use of time and space by breeding Blue Duck Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos | |
Clare J Veltman, Murray Williams | 62-74 |
Flock structure and pair bonds of the Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata | |
R T Kingsford | 75-82 |
Biparental care of the Australian Wood Chenonetta jubata | |
R T Kingsford | 83-91 |
Persistent quacking in dabbling ducks: a predator-luring signal? | |
Frank McKinney, Deborah Buitron, Scott R Derrickson | 92-98 |
Effects of increasing larval chironomid densities on the underwater feeding success of downy Tufted ducklings Aythya fuligula | |
N Giles | 99-106 |
Food usurpation by waterfowl and waders | |
Juan A Amat | 107-116 |
Survival and breeding of Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber roseus in the wild after a period of care in captivity | |
A R Johnson, R E Green | 117-121 |
Weights of wild Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Gadwall A. strepera, and Blue-winged Teal A. discors during the breeding season | |
John T Lokemoen, Douglas H Johnson, David E Sharp | 122-132 |
Progress Reports
The ecology and behaviour of the North American Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis in Great Britain and its interaction with native waterbirds: a progress report | |
133-138 |
Wildfowl counts in the U.K., 1988-89 | |
139-141 |
Progress on bird ringing by The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust during 1989 | |
142-144 |
Wigeon Anas penelope movements and turnover: a report on the first two seasons of a Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Project | |
145-149 |
Reforming of resident Mallard pairs Anas platyrhynchos, rule rather than exception? | |
150-151 |
A progress report on Nene Branta sandvicensis in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park from 1974-89 | |
152-155 |
Progress in aviculture by The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust in 1989 | |
156-158 |
Notes on an expedition to relocate the Madagascar Pochard Aythya innotata - a JWPT, WWF, WWT project | |
159-160 |
Progress in White-winged Wood Duck Cairina scutulata action plan project: a call for information | |
161-162 |
White-winged Wood Duck - Cairina scutalata - the question of Indonesian albinism | |
163-166 |
The incidence of ingested lead shot in ducks of the Evros Delta, Greece | |
167-170 |
Duck numbers in the USSR, the western Palearctic and North America 1967-86: first comparisons | |
171-175 |
Bewick's and Whooper Swans: the 1989-90 season | |
176-181 |
Back Matter
Publications, 1989, by, or with the assistance of, The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust staff and facilities | |
182 |

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