Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
New observations on the Brazilian Merganser | |
Wolf Bartmann | 7-14 |
Sex and plumage-type ratios of the Lesser Magellan Goose in southern Chile | |
W R Siegfried, P A R Hockey, P G Ryan, A L Bosman | 15-21 |
Population size and feeding behaviour of Andean Geese at Lake Junin, Per | |
Ronald W Summers, Gonzalo Castro | 22-28 |
Notes on the foraging behaviour of Magellanic Flightless Steamer Ducks and Flying Steamer Ducks | |
P G Ryan, A L Bosman, P A R Hockey | 29-33 |
Diet and behaviour of young American Coots | |
E A Driver | 34-42 |
Feeding behaviour of wintering Pink-footed and Greylag Geese in north-east Scotland | |
M V Bell | 43-53 |
Seasonal changes in habitat use of White-fronted Geese near Antwerp, Belgium | |
Tom J Ysebaert, Patrick M Meire, Andr A Dhondt | 54-62 |
Disturbance and flock size changes in Greenland Whitefronted Geese wintering in Ireland | |
D W Norriss, H J Wilson | 63-70 |
Numbers and distribution of White-fronted and Pink-footed Geese in Flanders (Belgium), 1981-87 in a North West European context | |
Patrick M Meire, Eckhart Kuijken, Koen Devos | 71-81 |
Distribution and numbers of moulting non-breeding Greylag Geese in Norway | |
Arne Follestad, Torgeir Nygård, Nils Røv, Bjørn Harald Larsen | 82-87 |
Staging and wintering goose populations in South Sweden 1977-78 to 1986-87 | |
Leif Nilsson | 88-97 |
Weight changes and reproduction in female Blue-billed and Musk Ducks, compared with North American Ruddy Ducks | |
S V Briggs | 98-101 |
Territorial behaviour, forced copulations and mixed reproductive strategy in ducks | |
Gilles Gauthier | 102-114 |
Cavity nesting waterfowl in Minnesota | |
Michael C Zicus, Steven K Hennes | 115-123 |
Nest insulation and incubation constancy of arctic geese | |
Steven C Thompson, Dennis G Raveling | 124-132 |
On renesting in semi-captive Barnacle Geese | |
Carl Mitchell, Jeffrey M Black, Myrfyn Owen, John West | 133-136 |
The relationship between nesting chronology and vulnerability to hunting of dabbling ducks | |
Robert G Clark, Lawson G Sugden, R Kent Brace, Daniel J Nieman | 137-144 |
Migration and seasonal distribution of Gadwall from Britain and Ireland: a preliminary assessment | |
A D Fox, Carl Mitchell | 145-152 |
Bill patterns of the Whooper Swan in Finland during autumn migration | |
Arvo Ohtonen | 153-154 |
A late summer survey of Britain's wildfowl | |
D G Salmon | 155-163 |
Numbers and distribution of wintering waterfowl in Norway | |
Torgeir Nygård, Bjorn Harald Larsen, Arne Follestad, Karl-Birger Strann | 164-176 |
Wildfowl Counts in the U.K. | |
177-178 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1987 | |
179 |
Wildfowl Trust Avicultural Report, 1987 | |
180-181 |
Publications in WILDFOWL 1948-1987 | |
182-183 |
Publications, 1987, by, or with the assistance of Wildfowl Trust Staff and facilities. | |
184 |

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