Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
Spring migration of Greenland White-fronted Geese through Iceland | |
I S Francis, A D Fox | 7-12 |
Autumn staging of Cackling Canada Geese on the Alaska Peninsula | |
James S Sedinger, Karen S Bollinger | 13-18 |
The significance of the Lake Neusiedl area of Austria for migrating geese | |
Gerald Dick | 19-27 |
Movements of Tufted Duck ringed in Britain: a preliminary assessment | |
M A Ogilvie | 28-36 |
Population turnover in groups of wing-moulting waterbirds: the use of a natural marker in Great Crested Grebes | |
Theunis Piersma | 37-45 |
The use of models to influence the grazing sites chosen by Barnacle Geese on Islay, Scotland | |
Xian Zhu, David C Houston, Stephen Percival | 46-48 |
Do Tufted Duck and Pochard select between differently sized mussels in a similar way? | |
Dirk Draulans | 49-54 |
Observations on the time budget and diving ecology of Long-tailed Ducks in Eqalungmiut Nunaat, West Greenland | |
Peter Reynolds | 55-62 |
Food and foraging of Coot Fulica atra on fish ponds during autumn migration | |
Dirk Draulans, Linda Vanherck | 63-69 |
Territoriality and time budget of breeding Coots | |
Tobias Salath, Vincent Boy | 70-76 |
Vigilance levels in European Wigeon - sexual differences | |
Peter W Mayhew | 77-81 |
Canada Goose foods: their significance to weight gain | |
T S Coleman, D A Boag | 82-88 |
Nutritional characteristics of grains fed to Canada Geese | |
David E Joyner, Bruce N Jacobson, Robert D Arthur | 89-93 |
The food habits of Greylag and Barheaded Geese in the Keoladeo National Park, India | |
Beth A Middleton, A. G. van der Valk | 94-102 |
Body and organ weights, and carcass composition of breeding female White-winged Scoters | |
Patrick W Brown, Leigh H Fredrickson | 103-107 |
Weights and measurements of wintering Tundra Swans | |
Roland J Limpert, Hubert A, Jr Allen, William J L Sladen | 108-113 |
Infertile eggs: a reproductive cost to female dabbling ducks inhabiting unpredictable habitats | |
Juan A Amat | 114-116 |
Clutches, broods, and brood care behaviour in Chestnut Teal | |
F I Norman, F McKinney | 117-126 |
Distribution, dispersion and regulation in a population of the Common Shelduck | |
John Hori | 127-142 |
Liming of acidified lakes in southwestern Sweden: short-term effects on waterbird densities | |
Mats O G Eriksson | 143-149 |
The use of X-ray for quantifying lead shot pellets in substrate samples | |
H Milne, N F Ramsay | 150-152 |
Wildfowl Counts in the British Isles | |
D.G. Salmon | 153-154 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1986 | |
Carl Mitchell | 155 |
Wildfowl Trust Avicultural Report, 1986 | |
156-157 |
Publications, 1986, by, or with the assistance of, Wildfowl Trust staff and facilities | |
158 |
Forty Years of Publications in WILDFOWL 1948 - 1987 | |
159-176 |

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