Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
Nesting behaviour of male and female Whistling Swans and implications of male incubation | |
Lori L Hawkins | 5-27 |
Numbers and distribution of wild geese in The Netherlands, 1979-1984 | |
Barwolt Ebbinge, Leo van den Bergh, Anton van Haperen, Martin Lok, Jules Philippona, Jan Rooth, Arend Timmerman | 28-34 |
Numerical trends, habitat use, and activity of Greylag Geese wintering in southwestern Spain | |
Juan A Amat | 35-45 |
Time budget of Greater Snow Geese during the brood-rearing period | |
Jean-Franois Giroux, Jean Bédard, Yves Bédard | 46-50 |
Second-brooding in semi-captive Barnacle Geese | |
John West, J M Black, M J Nugent, Myrfyn Owen | 51-54 |
Distribution and habitat use by Sheldgeese populations wintering in Buenos Aires province, Argentina | |
Susana I Martin, Neldo Tracanna, Ron Summers | 55-62 |
The numbers of Auckland Island Teal | |
Murray Williams | 63-70 |
The New Zealand Brown Teal: 1845-1985 | |
Grant Dumbell | 71-87 |
Breeding ecology of the Mallard on a flooded area of the Warta river mouth, Poland | |
Przemyslaw Majewski | 88-103 |
Sex ratios in some common British wintering ducks | |
Myrfyn Owen, Michael Dix | 104-112 |
Observations on a pair of Torrent Ducks | |
Jan L Eldridge | 113-122 |
Territoriality in a river specialist: the Blue Duck | |
Jan L Eldridge | 123-135 |
Effect of diving ducks on benthic food resources during winter in South Carolina, U.S.A | |
Loren M Smith, Larry D Vangilder, Richard T Hoppe, Stephen J Morreale, I Lehr, Jr Brisbin | 136-141 |
The display postures of the male Musk Duck | |
Peter J Fullagar, Montse Carbonell | 142-150 |
The daily cycle of feeding activity of the Greater Flamingo in relation to the dispersion of the prey Artemia | |
Robert H Britton, E. ROBERT de Groot, Alan R Johnson | 151-155 |
Behaviour patterns and their function in the Horned Screamer | |
James H, Jr Barrow, Jeffrey M Black, W Barton Walter | 156-162 |
Habitat use by Coots nesting in a Mediterranean wetland | |
Tobias Salathé | 163-171 |
The January 1986 Whooper Swan census in Britain, Ireland and Iceland | |
D G Salmon, Jeffery M Black | 172-174 |
Numbers of swans and ducks in Britain, 1984-5 | |
175 |
Numbers of geese in Britain and Ireland, 1985-6 | |
176 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1985 | |
177 |
Wildfowl Trust Avicultural Report, 1985 | |
178-179 |
Publications, 1985, by or with the assistance of Wildfowl Trust staff and facilities. | |
180 |

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