Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
Winning with warts? A threat posture suggests a function for caruncles in Ross's Geese | |
M Robert McLandress | 5-9 |
Bigamous behaviour of captive Cape Teal | |
Paul Stolen, Frank McKinney | 10-13 |
Pursuit flights of Mallard and Gadwall under different environmental conditions | |
Juan A Amat | 14-19 |
Feeding habits of whistling ducks in the Calabozo Ricefields, Venezuela, during the non-reproductive period | |
Iris Bruzual, Iris Bruzual | 20-26 |
The role of fish in the selection of lakes by nonpiscivorous ducks: Mallard, Teal and Goldeneye | |
Mats O G Eriksson | 27-32 |
The effects on birds of land drainage improvements in the North Kent Marshes | |
Gwyn Williams, Andrew Henderson, Lucy Goldsmith, Andrew Spreadborough | 33-47 |
Interaction between wildfowl and recreation at Llangorse Lake and Talybont Reservoir, South Wales | |
C H Tuite, Myrfyn Owen, David Paynter | 48-63 |
Numbers, distribution and behaviour of Pink-footed Geese in Lancashire | |
W D Forshaw | 64-76 |
The numbers of Greenland Barnacle Geese in Britain and Ireland | |
M A Ogilvie | 77-88 |
September and January counts as a measure of changes in south Swedish Mallard populations | |
Leif Nilsson | 89-98 |
The number and daily activity of the Egyptian Goose in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda | |
E L Edroma, J Jumbe | 99-104 |
Moulting eiders in eastern Scotland | |
L H Campbell, H Milne | 105-107 |
Wing moult, body measurements and condition indices of Spur-winged Geese | |
S A Halse, David M Skead | 108-114 |
Growth and moult progression of White-winged Scoter ducklings | |
Patrick W Brown, Leigh H Fredrickson | 115-119 |
Annual variation in the reproductive performance of Goldeneyes | |
Sven Fredga, Hilary Dow | 120-126 |
Probable Garganey on St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands, Indian Ocean | |
W R P Bourne, A C F David, C Jouanin | 127-129 |
An isolated population of small Canada Geese on Kaliktagik Island, Alaska | |
Martha A Hatch, Martha A Hatch | 130-136 |
Sexual differences in migration and winter quarters of ducks ringed in the Netherlands | |
A C Perdeck, C Clason | 137-143 |
Water vapour conductance of wildfowl eggs and incubator humidity | |
N A French, R G Board | 144-152 |
Mortality of the northern geese in captivity | |
Nigella Hillgarth, Janet Kear, Katherine Horky | 153-162 |
Numbers, age and sex of Greylag and Pink-footed Geese shot at Loch Leven National Nature Reserve, 1966-1981 | |
Gordon Wright, Hugh Boyd | 163-170 |
Numbers of swans and ducks in Britain, 1981 - 1982 | |
171 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1982 | |
172 |
Numbers of geese in Britain and Ireland, 1982 - 1983 | |
173 |
Wildfowl Trust avicultura! report, 1982 | |
174-175 |
Publications, 1982, by or with the assistance of Wildfowl Trust and facilities | |
176 |

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