Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
The absence of flightless moult in the Ruddy-headed Goose in Argentina and Chile | |
Ronald W Summers | 5-6 |
Some mortality patterns of Greater Magellan Geese on the Falkland Islands | |
John Harradine | 7-11 |
Escape behaviour of Steamer Ducks | |
Bradley C Livezey, Philip S Humphrey | 12-16 |
Observations on the feeding ecology and bioenergetics of the White-faced Whistling Duck in Venezuela | |
Francisco Gomez Dallmeier, Michael Kent Rylander | 17-21 |
Food and distribution of three Bucephala species in British Columbia waters | |
Kees Vermeer | 22-30 |
Population and status of Emperor Geese along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula | |
Margaret R Petersen, Robert E, Jr Gill | 31-38 |
Habitat ecology of Pacific Black Brant and other geese moulting near Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska | |
Dirk V Derksen, William D Eldridge, Milton W Weller | 39-57 |
Ecological correlates of territory and home range size in North American dabbling ducks | |
Thomas D Nudds, Davison Ankney | 58-62 |
Observations on the incubation and post-hatching behaviour of the Greenland White-fronted Goose | |
David A Stroud | 63-72 |
The status, aviculture and re-establishment of Brown Teal in New Zealand | |
F Neil Hayes, Murray Williams | 73-80 |
Some notes on Freckled Duck shot in Victoria, Australia, 1981 | |
F I Norman, K C Norris | 81-87 |
Food habits of the Freckled Duck and associated waterfowl in North-western New South Wales | |
S V Briggs | 88-93 |
The nesting biology of ducks in the Marismas of the Guadalquivir, south-western Spain | |
Juan A Amat | 94-104 |
Activity and time budget of Tufted Ducks on Swiss lakes during winter | |
Jean-Carlo Pedroli | 105-112 |
Inland and saltmarsh feeding of wintering Brent Geese in Essex | |
Richard White-Robinson | 113-118 |
The effect of photoperiod on the timing of spring migration in the Bewick's Swan | |
Eileen C Rees | 119-132 |
Causes of mortality among whistling ducks in captivity | |
Nigella Hillgarth, Janet Kear | 133-139 |
Diseases of stiff-tailed ducks in captivity | |
Nigella Hillgarth, Janet Kear | 140-144 |
'Nonsense' orientation of Pintail, Wigeon and Mallard from Nacton, Suffolk | |
G V T Matthews, D L Revett | 145-150 |
The abundance and distribution of intertidal invertebrates, and an estimation of their selection by Shelduck | |
D B A Thompson | 151-158 |
Clutch parasitism and nesting interference between Shelducks at Aberlady Bay | |
M W Pienkowski, P R Evans | 159-163 |
Leech parasitism of waterfowl in the British Isles | |
J M Elliott, P A Tullett | 164-170 |
Numbers of swans and ducks in Britain, 1980-1981 | |
171 |
Numbers of geese in Britain and Ireland, 1981-1982 | |
172 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1981 | |
173 |
Wildfowl Trust avicultura! report, 1981 | |
174-175 |
Publications, 1981, by or with the assistance of W ildfowl Trust staff and facilities | |
176 |

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