Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
Display behaviour and relationships of the Argentine Blue-billed Duck | |
Paul A Johnsgard, Cristi Nordeen | 5-10 |
A comparison of pursuit flights by six North American ducks of the genus Anas | |
Rodger D Titman, Norman R Seymour | 11-18 |
Effects of Coots on duck densities in Saskatchewan parkland | |
Thomas D Nudds | 19-22 |
Locations and success of duck nests evaluated through discriminant analysis | |
Bradley C Livezey | 23-27 |
Pond ecology and its influence on Mallard use in Ontario, Canada | |
Patrick R Godin, David E Joyner | 28-34 |
A study of the Abbotsbury Mute Swans | |
C M Perrins, M A Ogilvie | 35-47 |
The pre-nesting behaviour of the Greenland White-fronted Goose | |
A D Fox, J Madsen | 48-54 |
Time budgets of breeding Mallard in northern Sweden | |
Cay Asplund | 55-64 |
Activity budgets of Common Eiders in different housing environments | |
Jacques Prescott | 65-68 |
Field feeding by dabbling ducks around the Ouse Washes, England | |
G J Thomas | 69-78 |
The importance of food in the determination of the winter flock sites of the Shelduck | |
N E Buxton | 79-87 |
Feeding behaviour of wintering Shelduck on the Clyde Estuary | |
D B A Thompson | 88-98 |
The winter food and feeding habits of Shelduck in the Camargue, France | |
John G Walmsley, Michael E Moser | 99-106 |
Food and populations of Surf Scoters in British Columbia | |
Kees Vermeer | 106-116 |
A review of Bufflehead sex and age criteria with notes on weights | |
Charles J Henny, Bette J Carter, Bette J Carter | 117-122 |
Geographical variation in the bill patterns of Bewick's Swans | |
D K Scott | 123-128 |
Geographical variation in the bill patterns of Whooper Swans | |
M A Brazil | 129-131 |
The microstructure of avian eggshells, adaptive significance and practical implications in aviculture | |
R G Board | 132-136 |
The waterbirds of Lake Junin, central Peru | |
M P Harris | 137-145 |
Numbers and distribution of wild geese in the Netherlands, 1974-1979 | |
Jan Rooth, Barwolt Ebbinge, Anton van Haperen, Martin Lok, Arend Timmerman, Jules Philippona, Leo van den Bergh | 146-155 |
Diseases of perching ducks in captivity | |
N Hillgarth, J Kear | 156-162 |
Recent publications of IWRB | |
Anonymous anonymous | 163-168 |
Numbers of swans and ducks in Britain, 1976-77 to 1979-80 | |
171 |
Numbers of geese in Britain and Ireland, 1980-1981 | |
172 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1980 | |
173 |
Wildfowl Trust avicultura! report, 1980 | |
174-175 |
Publications, 1980, by or with the assistance of Wildfowl Trust staff and facilities | |
176 |

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