Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter | |
The behaviour of Bewick's Swans at the Welney Wildfowl Refuge, Norfolk, and on the surrounding fens: a comparison | |
D K Scott | 5-18 |
Winter behaviour of wild Whistling Swans: a comparison with Bewick's Swans | |
D K Scott | 19-21 |
Mortality of Mute Swan progeny in an area of south Staffordshire | |
A E Coleman, C D T Minton | 22-28 |
Mute Swans on the Warwickshire Avon - a study of a decline | |
J A Hardman, D R Cooper | 29-36 |
Status and dynamics of a Mute Swan population near Oxford between 1976 and 1978 | |
P J Bacon | 37-50 |
A possible advantage for the 'Polish' morph of the Mute Swan | |
P J Bacon | 51-52 |
Breeding distribution and habitat selection of Red-breasted Mergansers in freshwater in western Norway | |
Olav Råd | 53-56 |
Duckling mortality in the Shelduck, in relation to density, aggressive interaction and weather | |
M Makepeace, I J Patterson | 57-72 |
The ecology of breeding waterfowl at the Ouse Washes, England | |
G J Thomas | 73-88 |
Moult migration of Lesser Snow Geese | |
Kenneth F Abraham | 89-93 |
Seasonal changes in the food supply, numbers and male plumages of Pigmy Geese on the Thamalakane river in northen Botswana | |
R J Douthwaite | 94-98 |
Observations of wing-feather moult and summer feeding ecology of Steller's Eiders at Nelson Lagoon, Alaska | |
Margaret R Petersen | 99-106 |
The migration through Europe and wintering in West Africa of Curlew Sandpipers | |
J R Wilson, M A Czajkowski, M W Pienkowski | 107-122 |
Winter seaducks in the Moray and Dornoch Firths, Scotland | |
Greg P Mudge, Dave S Allen | 123-130 |
Wintering diving duck populations and available food resources in the Baltic | |
Leif Nilsson | 131-143 |
The Cape Barren Goose in Victoria, Australia: management related to agriculture | |
D F Dorward, F I Norman, S J Cowling | 144-150 |
The habitat and dietary preferences of Dark-bellied Brent Geese and Wigeon in relation to agricultural management | |
Gwyn Williams, Janet E Forbes | 151-157 |
Atlantic Brant - human commensalism on eelgrass beds in New Jersey | |
Ronald E Kirby, Holliday H, III Obrecht | 158-160 |
The distribution, fall migration routes and survival of Ross's Geese | |
Ross Melinchuk, John P Ryder | 161-171 |
Numbers of geese in Britain and Ireland, 1979-1980 | |
172 |
Ringing by the Wildfowl Trust, 1979 | |
173 |
Wildfowl Trust avicultural report, 1979 | |
174-175 |
Publications, 1979, by or with the assistance of Wildfowl Trust staff and facilities | |
176 |

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