Table of Contents
Front Matter
Contents and editorial | |
i–iv |
Standard Papers
Island differentiation of New Zealand’s extinct mergansers (Anatidae: Mergini), with description of a new species from Chatham Island | |
Murray Williams, Alan J.D. Tennyson, Dalice Sim | 3–34 |
Patterns of waterbird diversity in central western Madagascar: where are the priority sites for conservation? | |
H. Glyn Young, R. P. Young, F. Razafindrajao, Abdallah Iahia Bin Aboudou, J. E. Fa | 35–53 |
Movements and survival of Lesser Snow Geese Chen caerulescens caerulescens wintering in two habitats along the Gulf Coast, Louisiana | |
Jón Einar Jónsson, Morten Frederiksen, Alan D. Afton | 54–74 |
Assessment of spatial changes in the duck harvest within the Central Flyway, 1997–2011 | |
Matthew T. Haugen, Larkin A. Powell, Mark V. Vrtiska | 75-90 |
Extension of Goosander Mergus merganser distribution into the Carpathian Mountain range | |
Łukasz Kajtoch, Rafał Bobrek | 91–101 |
Within and between year phenology of calling Spotted Crakes Porzana porzana in Denmark | |
Anthony D. Fox, Jørgen P. Kjeldsen, Mark Desholm, Palle A.F. Rasmussen, Thorsten J.S. Balsby, Henning Heldbjerg | 102–115 |
Short Communications
The status of Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca breeding and wintering in China | |
Xumao Zhao, Roller MaMing | 116–125 |
Sex-specific dive characteristics in a sexually size dimorphic duck | |
Sylvia K. Osterrieder, Michael A. Weston, Randall W. Robinson, Patrick J. Guay | 126–131 |
Fifth International Swan Symposium
Delineation of Tundra Swan Cygnus c. columbianus populations in North America: geographic boundaries and interchange | |
Craig R. Ely, William J.L. Sladen, Heather M. Wilson, Susan E. Savage, Kristine M. Sowl, Bill Henry, Mike Schwitters, James Snowdon | 132–147 |
Aspects of the breeding biology of Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii nesting in high densities in the Chaun River delta, Chukotka, east Russia | |
Diana Solovyeva, Sergey Vartanyan | 148–166 |
Awareness and opinions of Maryland citizens toward Chesapeake Bay Mute Swans Cygnus olor and management alternatives | |
Larry J. Hindman, Robert L. Tjaden | 167–185 |
Spraying corn oil on Mute Swan Cygnus olor eggs to prevent hatching | |
Larry J. Hindman, William F. Harvey, IV, Linda E. Conley | 186–196 |
Long-term trends in the number of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus breeding and wintering in Sweden | |
Leif Nilsson | 197–206 |
Breeding Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus in the Baltic states, 1973–2013: result of a 207 re-colonisation | |
Dmitrijs Boiko, Hakon Kamp-Persson, Julius Morkŭnas | 207–216 |
Breeding biology of the Black Swan Cygnus atratus in southeast Queensland, Australia | |
Jonathan Coleman | 217–230 |
Back Matter
Instructions for Authors | |
231–236 |

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