Current status and recent dynamics of the Black Brant Branta bernicla breeding population
We summarize current knowledge about the distribution of Pacific Black Brant and recent dynamics of colonies, particularly on the Yukon-Kuskokwim (Y-K) Delta, Alaska. About 20,000 nests are required to produce the number of young in the autumn flight using estimates of clutch size, hatching success and gosling survival based on colonies on the Y-K Delta. More than 80% of the nests in the population can be accounted for currently on the Y-K Delta. Most moulting individuals that did not breed, or were unsuccessful, are unaccounted for in late summer. Numbers of Black Brant nesting in major colonies on the Y-K Delta declined >60% in the early 1980s, most likely as a result of local subsistence harvest combined with predation by arctic foxes. Effective management of this population requires a better understanding of the distribution of breeding and moulting birds, the importance of breeding habitat to colony dynamics and the role of both sport and subsistence harvest in population dynamics.
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